As established by Alaska Statute Sec. 08.62.046. Rates for pilotage services. (a) A pilot organization recognized by the board shall adopt and publish rates for the provision of pilotage services. The pilot organization shall adopt rates for pilotage services as provided under this section. Notwithstanding this section, a pilot organization may enter into agreements with the master, owner, operator, or agent of a master, owner, or operator, of a vessel for the provision of pilotage services at rates of compensation that are different from the rates adopted under this section. Unless a pilot organization has an agreement with the master, owner, operator, or agent of a master, owner, or operator, of a vessel that sets rates for the provision of a pilotage service, the pilot organization may not charge a rate for the provision of the pilotage service to the vessel that is different from the rate adopted or established under this section.
2025 Published Rate – Vsls Not Covered by Other Rates
Vessels not covered by AS 08.62 (enrolled or public vessels) should contact the SEAPA office for pilotage costs.